Restaurants, bars, night clubs, and hotels are keenly aware of how influential online marketing is to their business. Let’s craft a customized strategy to increase local and destination visits.
Google SEM Can Be Expensive
Many consumers who “google” a local restaurant, bar, or nightclub already know about the business but are looking for opening hours or navigational directions. Buying the business name as a keyword in SEM campaigns may have a low Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) because it does not generate incremental new business.
In tourist areas, Google SEM takes on a more important role compared to a suburban town with little tourism draw. The right balance of SEM, social media, and video marketing create an affordable strategy to keep the business “top of mind” with consumers.
It is common for visitors to use the term “near me” when searching for food and beverage destinations. In the example below, a vegan restaurant owner could be paying as little as $1.48 per click and as high as $5.60 per click to get their business in front on a hungry consumer. This may be a great investment if their restaurant website is mobile responsible and has an attractive presentation of dishes and customer reviews.

Photos and Videos
As important as SEM campaigns can be, Instagram and Facebook play an important role in attracting more local consumers to hospitality destinations. Why? The visual nature of Instagram and the power of video on social media can better represent the vibe of a restaurant, bar, or hotel. Many of us have viewed a friend posting a photo of their food at a restaurant and saying “wow..that dish looks amazing!”
Although many hospitality owners leverage photos and videos, it seems that many forget to post them in all online platforms that a consumer may use to find a local establishment. Sometimes the small details make a big difference.
Notice that the cover photo on Facebook for Pappas Bros. Steakhouse is professionally done and shows the Wine Spectator Grand Award. Consumers who love great wines and steaks now know that their wine list is one of the best in the country. A great online marketing strategy has to focus on the little details.
Check out some other steak restaurants on Facebook and their cover photo will have a steak dish. Wow…that was original. Joking aside, the cover photo for Facebook should not be the outside of the building, a large logo, or just one dish. Check out some popular restaurants on Facebook and see how many fail this simple test.

Be Your Customer
Consumers leverage reviews for restaurants, bars, hotels, and entertainment venues when they are traveling or new to a city. Business owners often have to be reminded to act like one of their customers and search for their type of business. In the example below, Salt Creeke Grill 300 more reviews that its nearest competitor. Since all three steak houses are within 10 minutes of each other, where would you pick to go first?

A comprehensive local marketing strategy must include all places where consumers spend their time, and rarely have we seen a restaurant, bar, or hotel leverage all media channels to grow their business at an affordable cost. If you would like to discuss how Localiente can help you, take a minute to schedule a free consultation.
Bring Your Business Online
Many restaurants have upgraded their retail operations with online ordering systems which makes it easier for consumers to order online and schedule a curbside pickup or delivery. We can asssit you with your online conversion with a cost effective website upgrade that has zero out-of-pocket expenses for the restaurant owner.
Our turnkey restaurant platform will integrate seamlessly into most restaurant POS systems and we only charge a small online service fee per transaction. Our solution allows restaurants to reduce over-the-phone order and mistakes when keying in orders manually. The best news is that we can turn-up a new websutes platyform in most cases within 48-72 hours!
Localiente can help you bring your business online so take a minute to schedule a free consultation.